Wednesday, 30 March 2016

What are your Q1 Results?

Praise be to God almighty! Winter has finally loosened its cold grip on life and has allowed Spring to poke its dainty foot through the door! Admittedly it has still been a little cool, BUT I have noticed that for some time now the evenings have been getting lighter. When the clocks went forward over the weekend I knew it was curtains for harsh, cold Winter.
How has 2016 been for you so far? Are you sticking to your new year’s resolutions? Are you on your way to achieving any goals set at the top of the year?

The end of March  signifies the end of the first quarter of the year, or "Q1" as most businesses refer to it. If you have been paying close attention to business news, you will have noticed that many companies released a statement of their Q1 results this month, and will do the same for Q2 (April to June) and Q3 (July to September).

As the core principle of most companies is to make a profit, these quarterly results will contain a detailed analysis of their earnings and other business performance measures.
Reviewing the year so far is so important as it is a good indication of how the rest of the year will go (whether good or bad) if current trends continue. It also presents companies with an opportunity to make any necessary financial and commercial adjustments if necessary, so they can hit any targets they have set for themselves.
Taking time to reflect every so often  is good for all of us, not just trading companies.  It may not be a financial analysis, but you can weigh what you have acquired in the past three months and how it has added to your value, be it experiences, friendships, knowledge or even a new attitude to life.
It’s NOT an opportunity to lament over resolutions already broken or things you haven’t done yet, but a time to celebrate what you have achieved so far, and to take stock of any “adjustments” you may need to make in order to put you back on the right track, if you feel you have veered off it.

For me, the first three months have been super busy. My fiancĂ© and I have been heavily investing time, money and energy in a few projects, and whilst we have suffered a temporary knock in these areas, we do hope "projections" will go up in the future. Sorry if this does not make much sense for now. I do hope to be able to share more in my "Q2 results". 

So, my question again, what are your Q1 results?

A round up of the year so far in pictures

Friday, 11 March 2016

Just In Case!

Hi all

I don’t want to do too much talking today. But I do feel that this post is important. Simply  because most of us, on work days, spend most of our waking hours at our offices or places of work than we do in our own homes! So it’s important to ensure we are “well stocked”
Whether you have ever faced the aggravating situation of your tights laddering in the middle of the day, or have had to run back out onto the shop floor to serve customers after a lovely salad drenched in garlic dressing, I am sure you can agree with me that having your drawer or locker stocked with a few essential items is a very good idea.
Sometimes, your manager might ask you to attend a client event at very short notice, and if you're the kind of person who cannot say 'no', you'd want to make sure you have everything you need to freshen up!
I hope you enjoy viewing these pictures, and hopefully it will give you some ideas on some of the items you should perhaps keep at your place of work, “just in case!”
What are some of the items you feel should go in your work survival pack?
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