It has been a long time coming but now I'm here. The desire to start this blog started off as a little seed planted in my thoughts around two years ago. It actually sprung from a conversation I had with a friend who thought it was the right step to take since I wanted a platform from which I could offer stories of positivity, motivation and inspiration with the world, whilst sharing little pieces of myself.
However, instead of nurturing that seed so it blossomed into something wholesome and beautiful, I allowed it to fend for itself like one might do with a dry and straggly weed until it became a thorn in my flesh, constantly reminding me of what I should be doing but was not not doing. So here I am today. I am finally answering the call to share, to write, to educate and to learn as I sojourn and meander through life.

To introduce myself, I am a twenty something londoner, living with the trials and triumphs, the victories and vicious situations that we all have to live with. I am an educator, a sister, a friend, a daughter, a girlfriend, a woman, but most importantly I'm human.
My calling as a teacher (I am a youth leader at my church) is actually what has propelled me to want to start this platform because I feel I want to share what I teach to around 30 youths every Sunday to as many people as possible. As a christian, I will be speaking from a christian perspective, however I do draw inspiration from a plethora of sources, and hope I will be able to reach more people than your average church goer. I will refrain from sounding "preachy". I don't feel I have been called to do that. Besides I am as flawed as they come, and still feel I have a lot to learn.
I do hope as many of you as possible will take this walk with me.
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