You might have noticed that at SoulJourner's Story we changed our tagline to reflect the fact that our material is to educate and uplift the young professional, which has been good for us because zoning in on a target audience has given us more focus. Whether you are in higher education, between jobs, a business person or in full or part time employment, you fall into the 'young professional' demographic
Life for the young professional is so exciting! Yet it can be quite tumultuous as we spend the majority of our waking hours with people we have little in common with, and for the most part being employed by the same company is the sole tie binding us with them. If you add to the mix the fact that many of us are also dealing with millions of other issues outside of work, you can see how it all can become a little overwhelming!
I have thus put together five Bible scriptures to encourage the young professional. Although this is Study Time, my usual disclaimers do not apply because whether you consider yourself a christian, any other believer in God, or a non believer for that matter, I feel we can all do with a little lifting up from time to time.
So please stay with me...
At the train station. En route to the christening |
So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. (Ecclesiastes 3:22a, NIV)
Frankly life is a gift and you ought to enjoy it. This includes your day job. Firstly because it's your way of providing a service to your community and to society as a whole. Secondly because you will spend a large chunk of your life doing it! Therefore although gratitude is key to fruitful living, it's OK to want better, and it's definitely OK to strive for better!
Freezing at the train station! |
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7, NIV)
Inasmuch as I believe in hard work, there are times when it all becomes too much. Have you realised that talking to a friend about your problems often helps to relieve the pressure we are under? Why not talk to God about it, when you feel snowed under? He (or she) is always available to listen, and is on standby to help when you call. If "talking" seems a bit strange to you, you can even write your thoughts down in a letter, and address it to God.
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic
before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will
neither fail you nor abandon you (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV )
Leading from my last point, when you cast your anxiety to God, He will go ahead of you, and do whatever He needs to do to ensure you get what belongs to you, if it belongs to you. He has no choice! This knowledge alone should empower you to face any interviewer, manager, board member or exam!
4. When your hard work is being overlooked
And let us not grow
weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.(Galatians 6:9 ESV)
All I can say is "chin up". It's difficult when you are always the first to arrive, the last to leave, and the one always putting yourself forward for the big projects,and yet no one seems to care! Trust me when I say that even if you are not praised by your colleagues or boss, seasons will eventually turn to favour you. It's the law of the universe and it's the law of God. Besides you will refine skills that will open up opportunities for you elsewhere.
All I can say is "chin up". It's difficult when you are always the first to arrive, the last to leave, and the one always putting yourself forward for the big projects,and yet no one seems to care! Trust me when I say that even if you are not praised by your colleagues or boss, seasons will eventually turn to favour you. It's the law of the universe and it's the law of God. Besides you will refine skills that will open up opportunities for you elsewhere.